How Do You Make Decisions During A Pandemic?

4 min readDec 18, 2020

Written by Zhivanka Morris
Edited by Yvonne Hancock, Nikol Nikolova and Vijay Suryavanshi

Photo by Rebe Pascual on Unsplash

An Unknown New Era

Life threw COVID-19 at us unexpectedly and with remarkable speed. Now, you’re at a coronavirus crossroads and you don’t know whether to turn left or right or should you just go straight? You’re heading to a place which you’re unfamiliar with, without any directions, but you feel that you need to move forward no matter what. You’re not alone. We’re in this together. Life in a time of corona as I call it.

We’re witnessing a new era, a new way of living for which we are wholly unprepared. We need to adapt to our fast-changing world if we want to live through these times and tell our stories. For young men and women, this is a new era, especially when they are pursuing their college degree, new job or their part-time work.

Practicing the Three W’s

The following is required to be followed mandatorily.

  1. Wear a mask.
  2. Maintain social distancing.
  3. Wash your hands.

The World Health Organization (WHO) is constantly insisting on following the Three W’s so that we can stay safe and protect our health.

Image by WHO
Image by WHO

Hope About COVID-19 Vaccine

When we watch the episodes of those affected, we certainly hope for an effective vaccine to be launched soon so that we can find relief. Thankfully, there are a few pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer that are getting ready to launch the COVID-19 vaccine with nearly 95% effectiveness, and soon we can access it.¹

Lockdown Is Still Going on

Even though some say the toughest months of this pandemic have passed, the world is still fighting COVID-19 and we are continuously making adjustments as new information comes through to us.

Research shows that, at the moment, there is no safe way to go about our daily life. Restrictions in most countries have been lifted, some have gone into a second lock-down but we must continue to live, love, learn and make the world a safer place for generations to come.

I’m sure making life choices now has never seemed so difficult, but we should always try to look for the light at the end of the tunnel. Consulting unreliable sources about the virus is never a good idea, as it can lead us to panic and make ill-fated decisions. Stick to trustworthy sources for any news and most importantly find a way to make peace with the unknown.

Focus on the most important decisions you need to make, don’t overthink the minor ones. Wear a mask, stay six feet away, avoid crowded places and if you experience any COVID-19 related symptoms, please contact your local health centre. Be aware of the signs, someone else’s life depends on it too.

Buying Needs Online

It would have been a much more difficult life if we did not have access to the internet and our smartphones. We are blessed in these times with the convenience of online shopping.

With this convenience, trips to the shops, pharmacies and supermarkets should only be made if necessary. Buy essentials online as much as possible after doing your research and do it at your own pace. The internet is so advanced now that the whole world is one click away at any given moment.

Virtual Celebrations

We can still get married. Wedding celebrations are intimate events to be shared with our nearest and dearest. Let the pictures tell your love story. This is something that still keeps us happy and relieved. We are able to say “Hello!”, wave online and chat with our friends and family, as well as participate in conferences and meetings, taking care of our work in a better fashion.

Looking at Life Differently

Babies are born every day and every minute around the world even during these crucial times. Motherhood continues to be the cornerstone of life. Life doesn’t stop with COVID, but the virus has made us change our course of living.

Managing Family and Work

This pandemic teaches us that time spent with family is precious. Work and education, though sometimes challenging, can often be done online. A walk outside in nature is better than trips to the shopping mall and homemade food tastes like a bit of heaven on a plate.

Final Thoughts

It might not seem this way at the moment, but COVID-19 is bringing people closer together. Even though we don’t see the end of the tunnel yet, we are working together to learn how to live and help each other during this hard time and nothing is more important than that. Help given is a life saved.




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